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Candace M., Care Companion in Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953 with 2 years paid experience

Candace M. Care Companion in Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953

  • First aid certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    First aid certification

Port Saint Lucie, FL

2 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Home Care Rates $22 per hour

Candace’s Bio

I’m Candace and I’m 22 years old. I’ve been dealing with elderly people ever since I was about 13 because my mom owned a nursing home. I’ve always loved being around elderly persons because I can talk with them and we can laugh about anything together. I would normally stop by the nursing home after school just to see them and help my mom feeds them. When they see me they always call me out and asked me how was school and I would ask them how was their day. My dad is 65 years old and he told me that I am good with elders so if I should choose a job,I should either choose elderly care or baby sitting. I am very patient and easy going with anyone. It doesn’t matter the age group. My grandmother died and I was so sad that I wasn’t able to help her. I am good with people,I love to show other love and I also love to be loved. I would love to be apart of your family to take care of your loved one in the way that you want me to. Thank you for taking the time out to read my bio.


Age Specific Experience

2 years paid experience with:

  • 55 to 64 years old

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Medication reminders
  • Conversation and companionship
  • Shopping

Experience with providing personal care services:

  • Dressing
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Candace M.
Candace M.
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953

years experience

Home Care Rates $22 per hour

  • First aid training

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