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Lindsay W., Care Companion in Broomfield, CO 80023 with 0 years paid experience

Lindsay W. Care Companion in Broomfield, CO 80023

Looking for part-time work as a care companion.

  • First aid certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    First aid certification

  • CPR certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    CPR certification

  • University of Colorado Denver

    University of Colorado Denver

Broomfield, CO

0 years paid experience

Last signed in: Within four months

Home Care Rates $25 per hour

Lindsay’s Bio

I am a mother of 3 girls and a certified physician assistant. I recently switched jobs to work for a start-up in healthcare, but my true passion is taking care of children, so I am trying to find a way to balance being with my children and also helping take care of others’.


Age Specific Experience

0 years paid experience

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Permanent (1 to 2 years)

Job Duration

  • Willing to consider a part time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 11/26/20

  • Day-time Weekdays (M - F)
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Lindsay W.
Lindsay W.
Broomfield, CO 80023

years experience

Home Care Rates $25 per hour

  • First aid training

  • CPR certification

  • University of Colorado Denver

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