Erick C. Care Companion in Highland, CA 92346
Looking for part-time work as a care companion.
Enhanced background check
Never run.
Enhanced background check(Not Run)
Basic background check
Last completed on 08/01/2022.
Basic background check 08/01/2022
Motor vehicle records check
Never run.
Motor vehicle records check(Not Run)
First aid certification
Certification is self-reported and not verified.
Verify directly with the sitter.
First aid certification
Highland, CA
0 years paid experience
Last signed in: More than 6 months
Home Care Rates
$20 per hour
$80 per half day
$150 per full day
$600 per week
$2000 per month
Erick’s Bio
Ever since I was a teenager my mother had always worked long shifts to try and support our family of 4. She was a very hard worker and because of that, she had to leave me to take care of my little sister (age 6) and my little brother (age 2). I grew a very large attachment to my siblings and because of that I enjoyed every bit of time taking care of them. It would normally be for long hours so it was my responsibility to make sure they were entertained, we’ll fed, and getting the proper attention they needed. Now I am a very social and energetic person, so I never found it difficult to find easy ways to play and interact with not only grown folks, but children as well. We would often watch movies, play outside, and use arts and crafts. I am a highschool graduate, with some college experience including courses on child development. I studied early childhood, middle childhood, and late childhood. I grew up in a very peaceful home where we would always put our young ones first, I was basically like a parent to my siblings without the actual title, and because of that I developed the proper training to handle all situations I may encounter while looking over children. My strong suits are dealing with children's behavior issues because I too used to deal with my siblings tantrums every once in a while. I am able to properly address any situation, I have a great amount of patience and am eager to expand my skills as a baby sitter. I am currently saving up to move out of my neighboor and currently looking for extra income during the evenings. I am a great driver with a clean record, and also a good cook. I’m also able to complete any errands with the children if needed, like take them to school or even pick up any groceries if needed. I’m also obsessed with being very clean and organized so any parent should expect a clean home when they return. Not only did I take care of my siblings for most of my life, but I also had experience in looking after my cousins ages 6 and 10. My aunts and uncles would pay me once a week to look after them while they were at work during the day, it wasn’t much pay but I did enjoy it more than anything. We would often play video games on the tv screen, play outside, and sometimes even solve puzzles. I was also able to wash any clothes or do any cleaning so that when parents arrived, they no longer had to worry about anything but relaxation and being in the comfort of their own home.
Age Specific Experience
0 years paid experience with:
- Under 55 years old
Experience with providing basic care services:
- Conversation and companionship
- Safety supervision
- Meal preparation
- Medication reminders
- Social activities
- Light housekeeping
- Exercise/Physical activities
- Laundry and linen changes
- Shopping
- Mobility assistance
Experience with providing personal care services:
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Feeding and special diet
- Toileting
Experience with providing individualized services:
- Medication Administration
- Medication Assistance
- Medication Management
- Assistance with Pets
- Meal Planning
- Nutrition Education
- Mobility Training
Experience with providing health & medical services:
- Pain Management
Willing to run errands
Availability & Job Preferences
Availability Duration
Prefers to provide visiting care
- On call (as needed)
Job Duration
- Willing to consider a part time position
- Start date is flexible
My availability is valid through 5/30/22
- Open (all day, everyday)
Skills & Abilities
Languages Spoken
- English
- Spanish
Erick C. is a reference for Erick C. | Relationship: Friend | Join Now to Contact Reference |
Trustline is California's official background check for license-exempt child care providers (i.e. babysitters and nannies) and the only authorized screening program in California with access to fingerprint records at the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and access to the California Child Abuse Central Index. The Trustline registry toll-free telephone number is 1-800-822-8490.
Pursuant to Section 1596.859 of the Health and Safety Code, parents have the right to receive information regarding any substantiated or inconclusive complaint about licensed child care providers. That information is public and can be acquired by visiting the California Department of Social Services' Internet Web site at "www.cdss.ca.gov".
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