Sitter for 3/yr old daughter 3 days
Posted by Afia A. on 11/21/2024
- 1 child (Preschool)
- $15.00 - $26.00 per hour
I have a 3 year old daughter and lives with mom and grandparents. No pets
My daughter goes to preschool daycare for 4 days and occasionally need pick up from daycare. Need for after school activities and bedtimes. Need someone to give her snacks and/or dinner and prepare for bedtime. My daughter is going through potty training
Schedule is flexible but need at least one weekend and two weekdays. I will provide car seat if pick up is necessary and light meal prep
- Toddler experience
- Preschool-age experience
- Sitter has own car
- Driving the Kids
- Prepare Snacks/Meals
- Bedtime
- Toilet training
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