2 Babysitting Jobs Found
- $17–21/hr
- Greene, ME • 22 miles away
Caregiver Needed for Two Children, Meals...
- 2 children
- Babysitting
- M
- T
- W
7:00am - 9:00am (flexible)
We need a babysitter for two children, ages preschool and elementary, starting on March 17, 2025. The schedule is flexible, with hours from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. The babysitter prepares meals and snacks and must drive the children, so having a reliable car is... More
- $15–24/hr
- Warren, ME • 25 miles away
Caregiver Needed for Elementary Child with...
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Seeking an on-call sitter. Specifically for school snow days, delayed starts, or early dismissals. For delayed starts must be able to get child on the bus, and for early dismissals get child off the bus. For snow days hours would be 7am-4:15pm.