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Find a Babysitting Job in Prince Frederick, MD

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18 Babysitting Jobs Found

  • $22–26/hr
  • Mechanicsville, MD • 10 miles away

Weekly sitter for 3 boys

  • 3 children
  • Babysitting


On an as-needed basis

We have 3 boys, ages 6, 3, and 1. I primarily work from home, but now that my and my husband's parental leave is expired we need someone to help "fill the gaps" when I need to go in to the office.
We need someone to stay with the kids 6-8 hours, one or two times a week, days and times can be... More

  • $20–26/hr
  • Waldorf, MD • 22 miles away

Part time sitter Tues- Thurs

  • 1 child
  • Babysitting
  • T
  • W
  • T


5:00pm - 9:00pm (flexible)

Hello! My name is kylah & I have a 16 month old daughter. I am looking for a sitter to take the load off my mom who watches her when I go to work!

Play & interact with her until her bedtime. My mom will be home but I would like someone to help out w my daughter.

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