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part time sitter for 2 year old

Posted by Jessica W. on 12/12/2024

  • 1 child (Toddler)
  • $10.00 - $22.00 per hour

Hi! I have a 2 year old who loves to play inside and outside, along with 2 energetic dogs who are friendly!!

Change and feed john david as well as interacting with him
occasionally let the dogs outside to go potty, no need to feed them

I will be working overnights so I need someone who will be available in the morning to afternoon about 7 am-1 pm usually 1-2 days would be needed. If you need to run errands he loves going along for the ride or even out to get a snack!


  • Comfortable with pets
  • Sitter has own car


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
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part time sitter...


$10.00 - $22.00 per hour
1 child (Toddler)

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