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Find a Babysitting Job in Ellerslie, GA

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2 Babysitting Jobs Found

  • $10–15/hr
  • Columbus, GA • 15 miles away

Part-time sitter for two little heroes

  • 2 children
  • Babysitting
  • T
  • T
  • S


9:30am - 12:30pm (flexible)

Asking for assistance with my two sons so I can go workout a few times a week Casimir is one year old. He’s very sweet and mostly easy to manage. Theo is my youngest he’s five months old also super easy to manage. Neither are potty trained yet. Theo is still on bottles.
Feed Theo twice and Casimir a... More

  • $15–19/hr
  • Columbus, GA • 10 miles away

Occasional sitter for 4 year old

  • 1 child
  • Babysitting


On an as-needed basis

Single mom of 2 - ages 4 & 17. My 17 year old and designated sitter is now we are looking for someone energetic and fun to keep my 4 year old son safe and happy for no more than a couple of hours every now and again when I have work or dinner obligations.
Occasionally, maybe 2-3 times a... More

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