48 Babysitting Jobs Found
- $24–25/hr
- Denver, CO • 15 miles away
part time weekend help for sweet kids needed
- 2 children
- Babysitting
- S
3:30pm - 7:30pm
Our vibe is happy, laid back, nurturing and loving, and we place a high value on raising intellectually curious, empathetic, kind children. both our of kids (3 and 1) are happy, playful, fun, active sweet children!
we are looking for someone to help in the afternoons on the weekends... More
- $10–20/hr
- Denver, CO • 18 miles away
Saturday on call babysitter needed!
- 2 children
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Hi there, we are looking for an as needed babysitter for Saturdays. We have family who will rotate in babysitting, but the days that they fall short I’ll need you to stand in! The shift is from 1:45-11:30. We’d like you to come to our home, you’ll need to assist in lunch dinner and bedtime. The boys... More
- $18–22/hr
- Aurora, CO • 10 miles away
Part time help for our son, and walks for...
- 1 child
- Babysitting
- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
8:00am - 2:00pm
My husband and I are looking for help with day time child care and development of our 3 year old son.
We’d like someone to help with teaching basics, playing, doing arts and crafts and taking our dog with you both on daily outside adventures via bike rides and walks to the park. We’d also like... More